Cube 4.x series

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Cube, which is used as performance report explorer for Scalasca and Score-P, is a generic tool for displaying a multi-dimensional performance space consisting of the dimensions (i) performance metric, (ii) call path, and (iii) system resource. Each dimension can be represented as a tree, where non-leaf nodes of the tree can be collapsed or expanded to achieve the desired level of granularity. In addition, Cube can display multi-dimensional Cartesian process topologies.

The Cube 4.x series report explorer and the associated Cube4 data format is provided for Cube files produced with the Score-P performance instrumentation and measurement infrastructure or the Scalasca version 2.x trace analyzer (and other compatible tools). However, for backwards compatibility, Cube 4.x can also read and display Cube 3.x data.

This software is free but copyrighted

© 1998-2023 Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany
© 2009-2015 German Research School for Simulation Sciences GmbH, Jülich/Aachen, Germany

By downloading and using this software you automatically agree to comply with the regulations as described in the Cube v4 license agreement.

Cube Packages

ATTENTION: Since version 4.4 Cube has been split in its components and is distributed in form of four separate packages: CubeW, CubeLib, CubeGUI and jCubeR.

CubeW 4.8.2
High performance C Writer library
Latest Release
MD5sum: e05b2edcfc054fa0388a7b041771046b

  • cubew-config tool reports its git revision properly.
  • Fixes bug with the storing of the numeric parameters.
  • Minor fixes.
CubeLib 4.8.2 14-Sep-2023
General purpose C++ library and tools
Latest Release
MD5sum: 1a785f5666824015fbc7c6e6626c12ff

  • cubelib-config reports its git revision properly.
  • Fixes bug in the calculation if metric type is not trivial.
  • Various bug fixes in library.
  • Fixed issues with the usage of tools in case of a measurement including GPUs.
CubeGUI 4.8.2 14-Sep-2023
Graphical explorer
Latest Release
MD5sum: 1fde67d11f8c8f8970eb7c04f68b0f1c

  • cubegui-config and GUI report git revision properly.
  • Advisor calculates POP metrics properly if one selects the FOA in the flat tree.
  • Fixes performance regression in Barplot and Heatmap.
  • Various bug fixes in GUI.
  • Improved display of kernel tree items

Requires : Installed CubeLib 4.8.x
jCubeR 4.8 09-Dec-2022
Java reader library
Latest Release
MD5sum: c61c6f0cca8f1387804e7d7754f2144f

  • Minor fixes.
Supplementary packages for download (Comfort zone)
Bundle 4.8.2
MD5sum : 1dddce326d710b021af8192efe95326f
Version 4.8.2 contains CubeLib 4.8.2, CubeGUI 4.8.2 and CubeW 4.8.2
win32 binary
MD5sum : 9b26b3f1d1d6ac6ba648c1a1c2866cef
Contains CubeLib 4.8.2, CubeGUI 4.8.2 and CubeW 4.8.2. It contains JengaFett, Blade and CallGraph plugins, which can be install optionally.
Mac OS .dmg
MD5sum : fde173a72dc40937b649641b34620123
Contains CubeLib 4.8.2, CubeGUI 4.8.2 and CubeW 4.8.2
Linux Binary .AppImage
MD5sum : a62c5e5b6000160aa19d996fdc0bedd2
Contains CubeLib 4.8.2, CubeGUI 4.8.2 and CubeW 4.8.2
  • brew install fzj-jsc/scalasca/cubew
  • brew install fzj-jsc/scalasca/cubelib
  • brew install fzj-jsc/scalasca/cubegui
  • brew install fzj-jsc/scalasca/cube
Cube Java Reader (JAR)
MD5sum :7b6e1aec72477df8750ccee2845bab78
Contains jCubeR 4.8
Latest master (Developers zone, NO WARRANTY )
CubeW All packages for downloads
CubeLib All packages for downloads
CubeGUI All packages for downloads
jCubeR All packages for downloads
CubeGUI i18n
  • Contains *.ts files of actual CubeGUI/trunk and might be incomplete.
  • Use Qt Linguist to add or correct translations.
  • Send updated *.ts files to Scalasca development team and we will be happy to include it to the list of supported languages.



Additional Cube Plugins

With 4.8 version of Cube we provide a set of additional plugins, which can be build and installed additionally to Cube GUI/Library 4.8.2 Note that they have additional prerequisites, which need to be installed before.

ATTENTION: Plugins require CubeLib/CubeGUI 4.8.x or younger.

Please note that it is an EXPERIMENTAL development and we do not provide any warranty.
Cube Plugins were tested only on Linux Ubuntu with Qt 5.9.1 and have no documentation so far. Requirements (Score-P, OTF2, CubeGUI or similar) need to be available via PATH.

Plugins are updated to build and work with CubeGUI 4.8.x even if there weren't any development commits.

Plugin NameDateDescription
ScorePion 0.5 09-Dec-2022
Score-P/Intel compiler filter creation plugin
Latest Release
MD5sum: e19f3713e4fb5bda220a1768970b28a5

Allows to build/edit a filter file while exploring an experiment and selecting regions or files to be included or excluded in the filtering process. Allows to store the created filter file in Score-P format (.flt) or as an intel compiler filter file (.ifl)

Requires : Installed Score-P >=v7.0 and CubeGUI 4.8.x

Blade 0.5 09-Dec-2022
Simple OTF2 trace explorer
Latest Release
MD5sum: 396ea50030ddfa6e95c29944a99a917b

If experimental directory contains an OTF2 trace, this plugin allows to browse it and study communication patterns. Suitable only for small traces.

Requires : Installed Score-P >=v7.0 or OTF2 >=v3.0 and CubeGUI 4.8.x

JengaFett 0.5 09-Dec-2022
Metrics correlation explorer
Latest Release
MD5sum: 3e9e95f9b9d8d2656a149e52fcb55cee

This plugin allows to display correlation between metrics as a parallel bar charts distribution across the system tree.

Requires : Installed CubeGUI 4.8.x

CallGraph 0.4 09-Dec-2022
Call graph display
Latest Release
MD5sum: ec22cb2907538b6fd9d6aaea746db2ba

This plugin builds a call graph based on call tree and assigns the metric values to the edges. Allows to detect a critical calls in the program execution.

Requires : Installed Graphviz and CubeGUI 4.8.x

Tau Value View 0.3 09-Dec-2022
Tau Value display
Latest Release
MD5sum: 2f3e0fa058aac00bb182e7597e7fd9b9

This plugin displays statistical data of the metric, colelcted using Tau Format as a small barplot in the tree view. Allows to get an overview over the values distribution.

Requires : Installed CubeGUI 4.8.x

Supported Platforms

The Cube tool set has been successfully tested on the following platforms:

  • Linux (x86, x86_64, ia64, ppc64le, ARM)
  • IBM BlueGene/Q
  • AIX (Power)
  • Cray (x86_64, AArch64)
  • Mac OS X (x86_64) (10.8 and younger)
  • Windows 10 ( experimental )

In addition, the provided configure options (see installation instructions for Writer, Library and GUI) may provide a good basis for building and testing the toolset on other systems. Please report success/failure on other platforms to the Scalasca development team.